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DAS needs your Support

PLEASE HELP DONATIONS NEEDED ! You have probably seen elsewhere that IWM are starting further work on their ‘Transforming Duxford’ project. This phase will run from February through to June and involves lowering the aircraft down from the ceiling in Airspace in preparation to later turn the hangar into a new Cold War and contemporary conflict exhibit. As part of this revamp IWM have decided our Dove, Comet and York will be moving permanently outside for display. This... more >

STROND Concorde Watches

A recent visit to Duxford provided the opportunity to showcase the STROND watches in Concorde 101 G-AXDN's cockpit. Each watch contains a part of a genuine panel and so is a unique way of owning a part of this historic aircraft. The watch is available in both manual and automatic movements https://www.stronduk.com/product-page/strond-g-axdn-24h-automatic https://www.stronduk.com/product-page/ssc-101-24h-gmt-all-stainless-steel-blue      more >

DAS Showcase is restarting

The DAS Showcase is restarting now that we have shuffled our outside aircraft.. Each week we will concentrate on one aircraft. Showcase will run on the hour and half hour from 11 to 2:30 on Tuesday, Wednesday, Saturday and Sunday Also... more >

STROND Automatic Concorde Watch

An exciting new watch has just been released by our partner STROND Please click on the link below to see details of this beautiful timepiece which incorporates a part of our iconic Concorde 101 G-AXDN https://www.stronduk.com/shop  more >


Help needed with our Comet

Our restoration team are embarking on a project to revamp the interior of our historic Comet 4 back to how it looked in its BOAC days when it flew the first ever scheduled jet service across the Atlantic from New York to London in... more >

DAS Museum 360-degree tour.

Click on image below to enter the DAS Museum 360-degree tour. Click on image below to enter the DAS Museum 360-degree flight deck tour.     more >


Fifty years of a Duxford Comet

On 12 February 1974 de Havilland Comet G-APDB took off for the last time. Leaving the Dan-Air engineering base at Lasham in Hampshire she transited north towards her birthplace in Hatfield. On arrival she descended to complete a low pass... more >

BAe146 flies into Duxford

BAe146 flies into Duxford

Over 100 members of the Duxford Aviation Society, IWM staff, press and TV gathered at IWM Duxford on Monday 24 January, to await the arrival of the newest addition to the British Airliner Collection, ZE701, a BAe146 Statesman newly retired... more >

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