The DAS Showcase is restarting now that we have shuffled our outside aircraft.. Each week we will concentrate on one aircraft.
Showcase will run on the hour and half hour from 11 to 2:30 on Tuesday, Wednesday, Saturday and Sunday
Also any day that the Airspace hangar is completely closed to visitors
We will welcome you on board for a short talk about the aircraft and also what it was like to fly back when the aircraft was in service.
Let our volunteer stewards take you back to the 50's, 60's and 70's.
The talks are free but we would be most appreciative of any donations you would like to make.
Here is the current schedule for next few weeks.
HS Trident week commencing 18th March
Bristol Britannia week commencing 25th March
Vickers VC10 week commencing 1st April
BAC 1-11 week commencing 8th April
Vickers Viscount week commencing 15th April
BN Trislander week commencing 22nd April
More to follow,,,,,,,
Please bear in mind that we may not be able to open the aircraft if the weather is inclement.
Registered Charity No. 285809